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Pregnancy's Concept and Signs


Pregnancy occurs if the egg coming out of the female's ovary is merged with one of the males' sperm, leading to the formation of fertilized ovaries, and the fertilized egg begins its journey to the womb where it sticks to the wall. 

From the womb through a process called transplantation, all of which take approximately two to three weeks after intercourse until the flesh is declared. 

Details of the fertilization process are often performed in the Fallopian channel, where the egg remains in the Fallopian channel for 12-24 hours while awaiting fertilization and in the meantime slowly moving inside the tube. 

It is known that sperm can swim through the cervix and from the uterus to the Fallopian canal, sperm can live in the female's body for up to six days when they seek an egg to fertilize her before she dies.

This can be used to indicate the likelihood of pregnancy, but women may mismatch some symptoms, and signs of early pregnancy from symptoms prior to the onset of the menstrual cycleThis is due to the similarity of the symptoms between them. 

Symptoms and signs of pregnancy

  • Absence of period

The absence of the monthly cycle is one of the first symptoms observed by a pregnant woman. However, pregnancy is not the only cause of the delay in the monthly cycle. Weight loss, hormonal disorder, stress, and stress. This is in addition to the fact that women cannot rely on late periods as a symptom of pregnancy if the period is irregular.

  • Changes Hormonal 

Changes in breast hormone levels vary greatly during pregnancy and this can lead to many changes in the body of pregnant women, including the emergence of some changes in the breast. For some women, this is one of the first signs of early pregnancy. Pregnant women may notice some changes in breasts such as:

 Breast Bulge

 Increased agility and pain in the breasts. A change in the color of the area around the nipple can also be observed. It should be noted that breast pain can be alarming in the early stages of pregnancy, but once hormones begin to stabilize, most of these symptoms usually disappear.

 Pee a lot

Since early pregnancy, women may feel the increasing need for ovulation, due to hormonal changes associated with pregnancy, and this phenomenon can be strongly observed in pregnant women after pregnancy begins. The sixth week of pregnancy. 


during pregnancy is an increase in the hormonal level. The hormone progesterone in a woman's body is very normal, but this increase can lead to constipation. It is a symptom of unwanted pregnancy that results from the effect of progesterone hormone on the digestive system and slows down the movement of food in the intestines. Constipation can be cured and reduced by maintaining body moisture by drinking enough water, doing some exercise, and trying to eat a diet rich in fiber.

Dipping and convulsions

When the pollinated egg begins to adhere to the uterine wall, the pregnant lady experiences symptoms such as dipping and severe convulsions.

The sensation of abdominal contractions is similar to the convulsions a woman experiences during menstruation, so the associated symptoms can be confused. 

These cramps usually start lightly early in pregnancy, and then over time, but if the pain is severe or accompanied by severe bleeding or other worrying symptoms, it is recommended that your doctor review them.


is one of the most prevalent signs and symptoms of pregnancy women. 

Although pregnancy-related nausea is known as morning nausea, its appearance is not limited to the morning period of the day.


Pregnant women may feel nauseous at any time of the day, but it's more common in the morning.


Pregnant women can feel tired. Severe fatigue in the first weeks of pregnancy is due to the high level of progesterone hormone at the beginning of pregnancy as well as other factors such as changes in blood pressure and sugar level are therefore recommended in this case: 

Pregnant women rest well enough, and you can also continue to eat enough protein and iron through a healthy and balanced diet.

 For more, determine the sex of the fetus

Increasing appetite 

like many other early pregnancy symptoms, there is a strong desire to eat due to changes in the hormonal level after pregnancy and women may find themselves favoring certain types of foods and moving away from others.

so much so that these foods or their scent can cause very annoying nausea. This strong desire or aversion to certain types of food can persist throughout pregnancy, but in most cases, these symptoms disappear by the end of the first three months of pregnancy. 

Until then, care must be taken to eat a complete diet to ensure the health of the mother and the fetus.


The appearance of light spots

Patches can appear as the first signs of pregnancy in the form of a patch or light bleeding, sometimes known as ingress bleeding. Women may notice the bleeding early. 

The pollinated egg is attached to the wall of the uterus. This happens about 10 for 14 days after the onset of flesh. 

In addition, hemorrhage can in some cases be associated with the secretion of vaginal secretions of some alloys.



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