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Asthma: Definition ,symptoms ,Causes, Treatment -Healthbest

Asthma is a chronic disease that affects humans as a result of inflammation of airways in the lungs or bronchitis, which reduces or prevents the flow of air into these people, causing repeated episodes of shortness of breath, accompanied by a whistle in the chest area and some other symptoms.

Definition of Asthma

The muscle surrounding the airborne and a large amount of phlegm accumulates in the airways, resulting in blockage, with asthma symptoms ranging from coarse to light whistling when breathing to asthma attacks that may endanger life, with children being more ill.

There's no cure for asthma, but it's possible to control its symptoms in different ways.

If asthma is not monitored, it may cause frequent and long absenteeism from school or work, which may reduce productivity. The severity of asthma changes over time in most people.

Asthma Scores

Asthma is divided into 4 general categories:

  • Type of asthma signs and symptoms.
  • Sequential Light Mild symptoms from two days a week to two nights a month.
  • Light constant Symptoms more than twice a week, but not more than once a day.
  • Moderate constant Symptoms once a day and more than one night a week.
  • Very constant Symptoms throughout the day most days often at night.

Symptoms of asthma

Asthma symptoms range from light to severe and vary from person to person. Whistling, coarse during breathing, occasional episodes of asthma may occur, and symptoms of asthma in the hours of the night may appear essentially or only when physical effort is made.

Between seizures, the patient may be in good condition and face no respiratory difficulties.

1. Symptoms and signs of asthma

Includes the following:

  • Shortness of breath.
  • Contractions or chest pains.
  • Trouble sleeping because of shortness of breath.
  • Cough, whistle, or blush when breathing.

Coughing or coarse episodes during breathing are exacerbated by, for example, a virus infecting breathing sewers in cases of cold and flu.

2. Signs of  vations of asthma

These markings include:

  • Worsening symptoms: An increase in the severity and frequency of symptoms of the disease.
  • Drop in maximum air flow rates: Measured by speedometer.
  • Drop in maximum air flow rates: This is measured by the Exhale Maximum Velocity Scale, a simple device designed to measure the performance level of the lungs.
  • Increasing need to use bronchoses: They are drugs that open up breathing streams by relaxing the surrounding muscles .

It is necessary for an asthma patient to be under permanent medical surveillance, to examine whether and when an increase in the drug dose is needed, or to take other actions to treat the symptoms.

If asthma continues to worsen, there may sometimes be a need to go to the hospital, and the doctor can help diagnose the signs and symptoms that require heading to the hospital emergency room, so that the patient is aware of the situations where he or she should go to get help.

Causes and risk factors for asthma

It is unclear why some people have asthma and others do not, and it is likely that asthma is the result of a combination of several environmental and genetic factors.

The factors that cause asthma vary from person to person, as exposure to a large number of hypersensitive substances can cause signs and symptoms of asthma, including:

  • Sensor-inducing materials carried in the air, such as: Flower vaccine, animal larvae, mold, dust mites and cockroaches.
  • Respiratory inflammation, like: In regular wilderness outings.
  • Physical activity.
  • Cold air.
  • Air pollutants, such as: Smoke.
  • Certain drugs including beta-blockers, aspiren, and other anti-inflammatory drugs do not contain steroids.
  • Intense emotion and tension.
  • Preservatives added to certain food products.
  • Esophageal apnea is a condition in which acids of the stomach return and reach up to the throat.
  • Some women's period.
  • Allergic reaction to food types, such as: Peanuts.

Asthma is a widespread disease affecting millions of adults and young people, as diagnosed annually in increasing numbers of people, but the cause remains unknown.

Risk factors for asthma

There are a number of factors known to increase the risk of asthma, including:

  • Previous asthma injuries in the family.
  • Frequent respiratory infections in childhood.
  • Passive smoking.
  • Living in a civilian area, especially if the air pollution is significant.
  • Exposure to factors that cause disease
  • Living in a civilian area, especially if the air pollution is significant.
  • Exposure to factors that cause illness in the workplace, such as: Chemicals in factories, materials used in agriculture and materials used in hairdressing
  • Birth of a child with a small birth weight or excess obesity.

Complications of asthma

Asthma can cause several complications, including:

  • Go to the emergency room and lay in the hospital for acute asthma treatment.
  • Ever narrowing in the airborne.
  • Side effects from using certain drugs to treat severe asthma for a long time.

Diagnosis of asthma

It is sometimes difficult to diagnose asthma and sometimes it is difficult to distinguish between asthma and bronchitis, which is accompanied by whistling and pneumonia or other respiratory disease in response to certain effects.

In order to exclude potential other diseases, the doctor would physically examine and ask questions regarding signs and symptoms and other health problems, sometimes the function of the lungs would be tested until the amount of air entering and exiting during the breathing process was determined for diagnosis of asthma.

Lungs Tests

Tests for the functioning of the lungs include:

1. Sperometer scanning

This test tests the extent of apoptosis, during which the amount of air that can be released can be measured by exhale after a deep infusion and at any velocity that can be exhaled.

2. Peak Run Scale

A peak run scale is a simple device that can be used at home and detect minor changes that may occur even before symptoms are felt, if the result is lower than normal, that's a sign that asthma will soon appear, and the doctor will provide guidance on how to track and deal with low results.

Bronchodilator (bronchodilator) is often used to open breathing streams. If there is an improvement in the functioning of a subject's lungs as a result of expanded use, they are likely to have asthma.

Additional tests for the diagnosis of asthma

A range of other tests can contribute to the diagnosis of asthma:

1. Metacholine Screening

The inhalation of an asthma patient is known to be an asthma-inducing substance called metacolin, as it generates pressure.

in the breathing stream, and the positive result in metacolin screening confirms the diagnosis of asthma.

2. Nitric oxide screening

An examination is sometimes performed to diagnose and monitor asthma and measures the amount of gas called nitric oxide in the breath, if there is inflammation in the breathing stream and this is a sign of asthma, the level of nitric oxide is higher than usual and this test is not common.

Classification of asthma

In order to determine the severity and severity of asthma, the doctor, as well as the physical examination and laboratory tests, will assess the person examined responses to the questions concerning symptoms.

Determining the degree of risk of asthma helps a doctor choose the most effective asthma treatment, and the degree of risk of asthma often changes over time, thus requiring the appropriateness of asthma treatment.

Treatment of asthma

Treatment of asthma often involves avoiding the factors that trigger seizures and taking one or more drugs. Treatment of asthma varies from person to person, and the majority of people with fixed asthma use a combination of long-term drugs to control asthma and drugs for rapid mitigation taken by spray.

Since asthma changes over time, there is a need for medical follow-up to monitor symptoms and to see what modifications and changes should be made to the treatment system so that it is always appropriate for the disease.

Treatment of drug asthma includes long-term drugs for the control of asthma, drugs for rapid mitigation and drugs for the treatment of hypersensitivity of HIV/AIDS.

Treatment drugs for chronic asthma

They are often medicines for daily use, and their types include:

1. Corticosteroid inhalation.

2. Long-range Beta-agonists.

3. Leukotriene.

4. Asthma exposure drugs.

5. Theophylline.

6. Drugs for rapid mitigation.

They are also called rescue and emergency drugs, which are used for rapid mitigation as needed for immediate relief of symptoms, that is, in the event of an asthma attack, before the sport, or if recommended by the doctor.

Ways to control asthma

Includes the following:

  • avoiding its catalysts and monitoring symptoms.
  • Take long - term and consistent drugs to prevent asthma attacks.
  • Take short-term drugs to treat emergency asthma as they arise.

Prevention of asthma

Through cooperation and joint work with the doctor, it is possible to develop a step-by-step programme of work that will facilitate the management of asthma and the prevention of asthma attacks, including the following:

  • Write an action program for the treatment of asthma.
  • Identify and avoid asthma-inducing factors.
  • Breathing control.
  • Early seizure recognition and treatment.
  • Alternative treatments
  • Can't cure asthma with herbs.


I hope you liked this article, and you can follow us for more information about Asthma in web Healthbest . May you be in good health.



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