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Threads & Botox Brow Lift :Risks, Effectiveness, Side Effects - Healthbestus

Everything You Need to Know About A Threads and Botox Brow Lift

Eyebrow Lifting

Eyebrow Lift

It is a cosmetic procedure to tighten the eyebrows. The eyebrow Lift procedure improves the appearance of the forehead, eyebrows and the area around the eyes by tightening the skin and soft fabric of the forehead and eyebrow.

You can choose an eyebrow Lift procedure if you have prolapse, eyebrow sagging or an asymmetry in eyebrow shape. A brow lift can also boost your self-confidence.

Eyebrow Lift alone or with other facial procedures such as eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) or facelift can be performed.

What is this done?

With age, eyebrows usually hang. This results in skin and tissue losing their normal appearance, and also shortening the distance between eyebrows and blinkers.

This prolonged eyebrow situation may make you look tired, angry or sad. Eyebrow lifting may help raise eyebrows and restore the natural and more facial shape.

You may consider a Eyebrow Lift if you have prolapse or sagging eyebrows which contributes to the sagging of the upper eyelid.

Risks Eyebrow Lift

Eyebrow Lift involves a variety of Risks, including:

1- Scarring. Scars may be visible after Eyebrow Lift.

2- Changes in skin sensation. Eyebrow Lift can lead to temporary or permanent numbness in the forehead or scalp top.

3- The asymmetry of the eyebrows in terms of position. Eyebrow Lift can lead to asymmetry in one or both eyebrows as they rise to a very high place. 

However, asymmetry can be equated during the healing process. Eyebrow shape or persistent position problems can also be treated through additional surgery.

4- Hair problems. Eyebrow Lift can cause the hairline to rise or fall into the position of the incision.

5- If the hair fall problem is not treated automatically, it can be treated with scar removal or hair grafting.

Like any other type of major surgery, Eyebrow Lift involves the risk of haemorr hage, infection and harmful interaction towards anaesthetic medication.

How to prepare Eyebrow Lift ?

First you'll talk to a facial plastic surgeon about raising your eyebrow. During your first visit, your doctor will probably:

  • Review your medical history. 
  • Ready to answer questions about current and previous medical conditions. 
  • Talk about any medications you take or have recently taken or any surgery you have already had. 
  • Tell your doctor if you are sensitive to any medication.
  • Do a physical exam. 
  • To determine your treatment options the doctor will examine and measure different parts of your face and eyes open and closed. 
  • The doctor may also take photos to keep in your medical record.

Discuss your expectations Eyebrow Lift

Explain why you want to get an eyebrow lift and what you think about in terms of looking after the operation. 

Make sure you understand the benefits and risks. Before making an eyebrow lift you may also need:

Quit smoking. Smoking reduces blood flow in the skin and can hinder the healing process. If you smoke, your doctor will advise you to quit before your surgery and during your recovery.

Avoid certain drugs. You will most likely need to avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements that can increase bleeding.

Arrange for help during hospitalization. Make plans for someone to take you home after you leave the hospital and stay with you at least the first night of your hospitalization at home.

What you can expect Eyebrow Lift ?

Front repair is performed in an outside hospital or surgical clinic.

During the forehead repair procedure, you will usually feel comfortable with the help of general anesthesia making you unconscious.

During the procedure

Eyebrow lifting methods vary depending on desired results. 

The location of the cracks and scars resulting therefrom depends on the specific method your surgeon chooses.

Your doctor may employ one of the following techniques:

  • Raising eyebrows with endoscopy. Your surgeon will make many small cracks behind the hairline. 

  • It will then introduce a long thin tube with a light and precise camera mounted on its limb (endoscopy) through one of the cracks to display the introspective muscles and tissue.

  • The surgeon will lift the surgeon with a tool inserted through the incision of the last tissue of the forehead and stabilize it in its position with stitches or small alloys or using another method. And then your cracks are closed with stitches or tiny clips.

  • Lift the eyebrow with a wreath incision. Your surgeon will make an incision behind the hairline across the top of the head from the ear to the other ear or your top head mainly. 

  • The surgeon will lift your forehead to its new position with the scalp in front of the incision overlapping with the scalp behind it.

  • The overlapping scalp is removed the overlapping scalp and sew the rest of the scalp together. 

  • This technique is not usually performed for people with elevated hair lines or light hair or who are likely to lose hair.

  • Raise the eyebrow by slitting the hairline. Your wound will make an incision between the top of the forehead and the beginning of the hairline. 

The surgeon will remove a small amount of skin and tissue from the top of the forehead instead of the scalp. Your hairline will not be dragged back as a result.

Eyebrow lifting is often done by slitting the hairline if the person has a high retreating hairline. 

But, according to healing, the scar may be visible the length of the hairline.

Typical eyebrow lift surgery takes about two hours.

After the procedure

After raising the eyebrow, the forehead may be adhesive tape and your head may be loosely wrapped to reduce swelling. 

A small tube may be placed along the site of the surgical incision to drain any blood or excess fluid.

Your doctor will give you specific instructions on how to take care of surgical cracks. In the first few days after raising the eyebrow:

  • Rest, lift your head and take the painkiller as recommended by the doctor .
  • Apply cold compresses to relieve swelling.
  • Avoid exposing wounds to excess pressure or movement.
  • While surgical cracks are healed, you may feel itchy and numb, that feeling will disappear over time. If surgical incisions are covered with bandages, your doctor will likely remove them within one or three days. The pole is usually removed within seven and ten days of surgery.

Ask your doctor about the right time to resume daily activities; Such as: washing your hair, drying it, bathing. 

Remember, swelling can last for several weeks.

The lines of surgical incisions will fade over time. Cosmetics may be used to hide any long-lasting bruising.

After raising your eyebrow, contact your doctor immediately if you feel the following:

  • Shortness of breath.
  • Chest Pain.
  • Arrhythmia.
  • Results.

By lifting the soft fabric, forehead skin and eyebrow, the eyebrow lift may give your face a more youthful look.

Always remember that the results of the eyebrow lift are not permanent. As you age, the skin of the face may start drooping again. Damage from the sun may also lead to ageing of the skin.



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